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* ofs.h --
* Definitions related to the storage of the original Sprite filesystem
* on a disk.
* Copyright 1986 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/ofs/RCS/ofs.h,v 1.3 90/10/19 15:52:26 mendel Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _OFS
#define _OFS
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <dev.h>
#include <fslcl.h>
#include <fsioFile.h>
#include <fsdm.h>
#include <devBlockDevice.h>
#include <kernel/dev.h>
#include <kernel/fslcl.h>
#include <kernel/fsdm.h>
#include <kernel/devBlockDevice.h>
* ONE sector of summary information is kept on disk. This records things
* like the number of free blocks and free file descriptors. This info
* is located just before the domain header.
typedef struct Ofs_SummaryInfo {
int numFreeKbytes; /* Free space in kbytes, not blocks */
int numFreeFileDesc; /* Number of free file descriptors */
int state; /* Unused. */
/* Last prefix used for the domain */
int domainNumber; /* The domain number of the domain
* under which this file system was
* last mounted. */
int flags; /* Flags defined below. */
int attachSeconds; /* Time the disk was attached */
int detachSeconds; /* Time the disk was off-lined. This
* is the Fsutil_TimeInSeconds that the
* system was shutdown or the disk
* was detached. If the domain is
* marked NOT_SAFE then this field
* is undefined, but attachTime is ok
* as long as TIMES_VALID is set. */
int fixCount; /* Number of consecutive times that
* fscheck has found an error in this
* domain. Used to prevent infinite
* looping.
(8 * sizeof(int) + OFS_SUMMARY_PREFIX_LENGTH)];
} Ofs_SummaryInfo;
* Flags for summary info structure.
* OFS_DOMAIN_NOT_SAFE Set during normal operation. This is unset
* when we know we are shutting down cleanly and the data
* structures on the disk partition (domain) are ok.
* OFS_DOMAIN_ATTACHED_CLEAN Set if the initial attach found the
* disk marked 'safe'
* OFS_DOMAIN_TIMES_VALID If set then the attach/detachSeconds fields
* are valid.
* OFS_DOMAIN_JUST_CHECKED Set if the disk was just checked by fscheck
* and doesn't need to be rechecked upon reboot. This is only
* useful for the root partition, since that is the only one
* that requires a reboot. In theory only the
* OFS_DOMAIN_NOT_SAFE should be needed, but we don't yet
* trust the filesystem to shut down cleanly.
* Stuff for block allocation
* The bad block file, the root directory of a domain and the lost and found
* directory have well known file numbers.
* The lost and found directory is preallocated and is of a fixed size. Define
* its size in 4K blocks here.
* Structure to keep statistics about each cylinder.
typedef struct OfsCylinder {
int blocksFree; /* Number of blocks free in this cylinder. */
} OfsCylinder;
* The geometry of a disk is a parameter to the disk block allocation routine.
* It is stored in disk in the Domain header so that different configurations
* on the same disk can be tried out and compared.
* The following parameters define array sizes in the Ofs_Geometry struct.
* OFS_MAX_ROT_POSITIONS defines how many different rotational positions are
* possible for a filesystem block. An Eagle Drive, for example, has 23
* rotational positions. There are 46 sectors per track. That means that
* 5 4K filesystem blocks fit on a track and the 6th spills over onto the
* next track. This offsets all the 4K blocks on the next track by 1K.
* This continues for 4 tracks after which 23 whole blocks have been
* packed in. The set of 23 blocks is called a ``rotational set''.
* Also, because the Eagle has 20 heads, and each rotational set occupies
* 4 tracks, there are 5 rotational sets per cylinder.
* OFS_MAX_TRACKS_PER_SET defines how many tracks a rotational set can
* take up.
* There is a new mapping available for SCSI disks. In this mapping we
* ignore rotational sets altogether and pack as many blocks as possible
* into a cylinder. The field rotSetsPerCyl is overloaded to allow us
* to be backwards compatible. If rotSetsPerCyl == OFS_SCSI_MAPPING
* then we are using the new mapping. The other fields relating to
* rotational sets and block offsets are ignored.
typedef struct Ofs_Geometry {
* Fundamental disk geometry that cannot be varied.
int sectorsPerTrack;/* The number of sectors per track */
int numHeads; /* The number of surfaces on the disk */
* Filesystem blocks take up several disk sectors, and filesystem
* blocks on different surfaces may be skewed relative to each other
* because a whole number of filesystem blocks generally does not fit
* on one track. (This property is exploited when looking for blocks
* that are rotationaly optimal with respect to each other.) The
* skewing pattern is repeated after a certain number of filesystem
* blocks. The pattern is contrained to fit on a whole number of
* tracks, and a whole number of the patterns has to fit in one
* cylinder. This means that there may be unused sectors at the end
* of each set of filesystem blocks.
int blocksPerRotSet; /* The number of distinct rotational
* positions for filesystem blocks */
int tracksPerRotSet; /* The number of disk tracks taken
* up by a rotational set. Used to
* bounce from one set to another
* and to map from filesystem block
* indexes to disk sectors */
int rotSetsPerCyl; /* The number of rotational sets in a
* cylinder. There are numRotPositions
* filesystem blocks in each set */
int blocksPerCylinder; /* This is the product of blocksPerSet
* and numRotationSets */
* The following diagram shows a rotational set for a disk with 46
* 512 byte sectors per track. 8 disk sectors are needed for each
* filesystem block, and this allows 5 3/4 blocks per trask.
* This means that 23 filesystem blocks make up a rotational set
* that occupies 4 tracks.
|..1.....|..2.....|..3.....|..4.....|..5.....|..6... track 1
..|..7.....|..8.....|..9.....|..10....|..11....|..12 track 2
....|..13....|..14....|..15....|..16....|..17....|.. track 3
.18...|..19....|..20....|..21....|..22....|..23....| track 4
* In order to facilitate rotationally optimal allocation the
* rotational positions are sorted by increasing offset. In the
* above example, the sorted ordering is (1, 7, 13, 19, 2, 8...)
int blockOffset[OFS_MAX_ROT_POSITIONS]; /* This keeps the
* starting sector number for each
* rotational position. This table
* is computed by the makeFilesystem
* user program */
int sortedOffsets[OFS_MAX_ROT_POSITIONS]; /* An ordered set of
* the rotational positions */
* Add more data after here so we have to reformat the disk less often.
} Ofs_Geometry;
* A disk is partitioned into areas that each store a domain. Each domain
* contains a DomainHeader that describes how the blocks of the domain are
* used. The layout information takes into account the blocks that are
* reserved for the copy of the Disk Header and the boot program.
typedef struct Ofs_DomainHeader {
unsigned int magic; /* magic number for consistency check */
int firstCylinder; /* Disk relative number of the first cylinder
* in the domain. This is redundant with
* respect to the complete partition map
* kept in the Disk Header */
int numCylinders; /* The number of cylinders in the domain.
* Also redundant with Disk Header */
Fs_Device device; /* Device identifier of the domain passed to
* the device driver block IO routines.
* Two fields are valid on disk: the serverID
* records the rpc_SpriteID of the server,
* and the unit number indicates which partition
* in the superblock this header corresponds
* to. This is needed because more than one
* partition can start at the same spot on
* disk (of course, only one is valid to use).
* The device type on disk is ignored */
* An array of FsDescriptors is kept on the disk and an accompanying
* bitmap is used to keep track of free and allocated file descriptors.
int fdBitmapOffset; /* The block offset of the bitmap used to
* keep track of free FileDescriptors */
int fdBitmapBlocks; /* The number of blocks in the bitmap */
int fileDescOffset; /* The block offset of the array of fds.
* The number of blocks in the array comes
* from numFileDesc */
int numFileDesc; /* The number of FsDescriptors in the domain.
* This is an upper limit on the number of
* files that be kept in the domain */
* A large bitmap is used to record the status of all the data blocks
* in the domain.
int bitmapOffset; /* The block number of the start of bitmap */
int bitmapBlocks; /* Number of blocks used to store bitmap */
* The data blocks take up the rest of the domain.
int dataOffset; /* The block number of the start of data */
int dataBlocks; /* Number of data blocks */
int dataCylinders; /* Number of cylinders containing data blocks */
* Disk geometery parameters are used map from block indexes to
* disk sectors, and also to optimally allocate blocks.
Ofs_Geometry geometry; /* Used by the allocation routines and
* by the block IO routines */
} Ofs_DomainHeader;
#define OFS_DOMAIN_MAGIC (unsigned int)0xF8E7D6C5
* OFS_NUM_DOMAIN_SECTORS is the standard number of sectors taken
* up by the domain header.
#define OFS_NUM_DOMAIN_SECTORS ((sizeof(Ofs_DomainHeader)-1) / DEV_BYTES_PER_SECTOR + 1)
#ifdef KERNEL
* Structure for each domain.
typedef struct Ofs_Domain {
Fsio_FileIOHandle physHandle; /* Handle to use to read and write
* physical blocks. */
Ofs_DomainHeader *headerPtr; /* Disk information for the domain. */
* Disk summary information.
Ofs_SummaryInfo *summaryInfoPtr;
int summarySector;
* Data block allocation.
unsigned char *dataBlockBitmap; /* The per domain data block bit map.*/
int bytesPerCylinder; /* The number of bytes in the bit map
* for each cylinder. */
OfsCylinder *cylinders; /* Pointer to array of cylinder
* information. */
List_Links *fragLists[OFS_NUM_FRAG_SIZES]; /* Lists of fragments. */
Sync_Lock dataBlockLock; /* Lock for data block allocation. */
int minKFree; /* The minimum number of kbytes that
* must be free at all times. */
* File descriptor allocation.
unsigned char *fileDescBitmap; /* The per domain file descriptor bit
* map.*/
Sync_Lock fileDescLock; /* Lock for file descriptor
* allocation. */
Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr; /* Domain of this file system. */
DevBlockDeviceHandle *blockDevHandlePtr; /* Block device containing file
* system. */
} Ofs_Domain;
* Types of indexing. Order is important here because the indirect and
* double indirect types can be used to index into the indirect block
* pointers in the file descriptor.
typedef int OfsBlockIndexType;
* Structure to keep information about the indirect and doubly indirect
* blocks used in indexing.
typedef struct OfsIndirectInfo {
Fscache_Block *blockPtr; /* Pointer to indirect block. */
int index; /* An index into the indirect block. */
Boolean blockDirty; /* TRUE if the block has been
modified. */
int deleteBlock; /* FSCACHE_DELETE_BLOCK bit set if should
delete the block when are
done with it. */
} OfsIndirectInfo;
* Structure used when going through the indexing structure of a file.
typedef struct OfsBlockIndexInfo {
OfsBlockIndexType indexType; /* Whether chasing direct, indirect,
or doubly indirect blocks. */
int blockNum; /* Block that is being read, written,
or allocated. */
int lastDiskBlock; /* The disk block for the last file
block. */
int *blockAddrPtr; /* Pointer to pointer to block. */
int directIndex; /* Index into direct block pointers. */
OfsIndirectInfo indInfo[2]; /* Used to keep track of the two
indirect blocks. */
int flags; /* Flags defined below. */
Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr; /* Domain that the file is in. */
} OfsBlockIndexInfo;
* Structure to keep information about each fragment.
typedef struct OfsFragment {
List_Links links; /* Links to put in list of free fragments of
this size. */
int blockNum; /* Block that this fragment comes from. */
} OfsFragment;
* Flags for the index structure.
* OFS_ALLOC_INDIRECT_BLOCKS If an indirect is not allocated then
* allocate it.
* OFS_DELETE_INDIRECT_BLOCKS After are finished with an indirect
* block if it is empty delete it.
* OFS_DELETING_FROM_FRONT Are deleting blocks from the front
* of the file.
* OFS_DELETE_EVERYTHING The file is being truncated to length
* 0 so delete all blocks and indirect
* blocks.
* FSCACHE_DONT_BLOCK Don't block on a full cache. The cache
* can get so full of dirty blocks it can
* prevent the fetching of needed indirect
* blocks. Our caller can deal with this
* if it sets FSCACHE_DONT_BLOCK, otherwise
* we'll wait for a free cache block.
* (FSCACHE_DONT_BLOCK value is used as
* a convenience - it gets passed to
* Fscache_FetchBlock)
/*resrv FSCACHE_DONT_BLOCK 0x40000 */
* OFS_PTR_FROM_DOMAIN retrieve the Ofs_Domain pointer from the Fsdm_Domain.
#define OFS_PTR_FROM_DOMAIN(domainPtr) ((Ofs_Domain *)(domainPtr->clientData))
* Declarations for the file descriptor allocation routines.
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_FileDescInit _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
int fileNumber, int type, int permissions, int uid, int gid,
Fsdm_FileDescriptor *fileDescPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_FileDescFetch _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
int fileNumber, Fsdm_FileDescriptor *fileDescPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_FileDescStore _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr, int fileNumber,
Fsdm_FileDescriptor *fileDescPtr, Boolean forceOut));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_GetNewFileNumber _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
int dirFileNum, int *fileNumberPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_FreeFileNumber _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
int fileNumber));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_FileTrunc _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr, int size, Boolean delete));
* File index routines.
extern ReturnStatus OfsGetFirstIndex _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr,
Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr, int blockNum,
OfsBlockIndexInfo *indexInfoPtr, int flags));
extern ReturnStatus OfsGetNextIndex _ARGS_((Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr,
OfsBlockIndexInfo *indexInfoPtr, Boolean dirty));
extern void OfsEndIndex _ARGS_((Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr,
OfsBlockIndexInfo *indexInfoPtr, Boolean dirty));
extern void OfsBlockFind _ARGS_((int hashSeed, Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr,
int nearBlock, Boolean allocate, int *blockNumPtr,
unsigned char **bitmapPtrPtr));
extern void OfsBlockFree _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr, int blockNum));
extern void OfsFragFind _ARGS_((int hashSeed, Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr, int numFrags,
int lastFragBlock, int lastFragOffset, int lastFragSize,
int *newFragBlockPtr, int *newFragOffsetPtr));
extern void OfsFragFree _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr, int numFrags,
int fragBlock, int fragOffset));
* Cache backend routines.
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_BlockAllocate _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr, int offset, int numBytes,
int flags, int *blockAddrPtr, Boolean *newBlockPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_FileBlockWrite _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr, Fscache_Block *blockPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_FileBlockRead _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
Fsio_FileIOHandle *handlePtr, Fscache_Block *blockPtr));
extern Boolean Ofs_StartWriteBack _ARGS_((Fscache_Backend *backendPtr));
extern void Ofs_ReallocBlock _ARGS_((ClientData data,
Proc_CallInfo *callInfoPtr));
* Routines for attaching/detaching disk.
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_AttachDisk _ARGS_((Fs_Device *devicePtr,
char *localName, int flags, int *domainNumPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_DetachDisk _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr));
* Routines to manipulate domains.
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_DomainInfo _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
Fs_DomainInfo *domainInfoPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_DomainWriteBack _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr,
Boolean shutdown));
extern ReturnStatus Ofs_RereadSummaryInfo _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr));
extern ReturnStatus OfsDeviceBlockIO _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr,
int readWriteFlag, int fragNumber, int numFrags,
Address buffer));
extern ReturnStatus OfsWriteBackSummaryInfo _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr));
extern ReturnStatus OfsWriteBackDataBlockBitmap _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr));
extern ReturnStatus OfsWriteBackFileDescBitmap _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr));
* Directory change calls.
extern ClientData Ofs_DirOpStart _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr, int opFlags,
char *name, int nameLen, int fileNumber,
Fsdm_FileDescriptor *fileDescPtr, int dirFileNumber,
int dirOffset, Fsdm_FileDescriptor *dirFileDescPtr));
extern void Ofs_DirOpEnd _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr, ClientData clientData,
ReturnStatus status, int opFlags, char *name, int nameLen,
int fileNumber, Fsdm_FileDescriptor *fileDescPtr, int dirFileNumber,
int dirOffset, Fsdm_FileDescriptor *dirFileDescPtr));
* Miscellaneous
extern void Ofs_Init _ARGS_((void));
extern ReturnStatus OfsIOInit _ARGS_((Fsdm_Domain *domainPtr));
extern ReturnStatus OfsFileDescAllocInit _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr));
extern ReturnStatus OfsBlockAllocInit _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr));
extern int OfsBlocksToSectors _ARGS_((int fragNumber, Ofs_Geometry *geoPtr));
extern ReturnStatus OfsVerifyBlockWrite _ARGS_((Ofs_Domain *ofsPtr,
Fscache_Block *blockPtr));
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* _OFS */